The UnionActive Member SYNC application allows you to quickly synchronize the website user database with your organizations own member data using an Excel export file. Now you can easily keep the website database current and up-to-date, anytime you need. Plus, you can display current information to each user like dues status, book/referral status, or any information members need quick access to online.
Member SYNC provides the following benefits:
Import new users into the website
Import new members of your organization into the website from the current member database. Automatically generates a username and password for each new account. The new login information can optionally be automatically emailed to each new user that is created.
Delete users who are no longer members
Remove website accounts that no longer exist in the member database. Keep the website database clean. You can preview accounts that are marked for deletion to verify them before actually deleting any accounts.
Update website member data with current data from the member database
Update each member account in the website with current data from the member database. This data can include name, address, phone number, email, group lists, employer or unit, dues status information, or any other data members need access to online.
Display current member dues information online to each user
Keep members up-to-date on their current dues status, what they owe, when they are paid through, or any other important data. Individual information is displayed on the member home page when a specific member logs in. They see only their own information from the data. We can even integrate online dues payment to allow members to make an online dues payment right away.
Display any other member information online!
You are not limited to the data that can be displayed to members online. Additional information about apprentice/journeyman status, class completion, shift schedule, or anything else can be setup to display individually to each member.
Keep your website database current
Run the database SYNC daily, weekly, monthly, or as often as you want.
How does it work?
Simply export your current member database into an Excel file, then upload the file to the website. You can choose the specific SYNC options you want to run each time. You can import new users, delete old users, update current users, or run them all at the same time with a few simple checkbox selections. Then click the Run button and wait for the process to finish.
Once the SYNC process has completed, results are displayed so you can see exactly which accounts were added, updated, or marked for deletion. After reviewing the accounts marked for deletion, you can confirm and remove those accounts.
Current website account username/password and security settings are not affected by the SYNC process.
Get Member SYNC installed on your website:
Member SYNC has a onetime setup fee of $299. There are no additional monthly fees.
Our engineers will customize the Member SYNC function to work with your specific member database file. We will program the process to SYNC only the data you want from the member database file. The export file can include additional information beyond the standard contact data that you want to display to each member. For more complex output, additional setup fees could be required.
Email us at to request Member SYNC for your site.
If you have any questions, let us know. Thank you for your continued support!
Page Last Updated: May 01, 2023 (11:49:11)